Lesha made plans for us to get together at star bar on sat night (10.7.10) and i invited a bunch of people who then invited a bunch of people so it turned out to be a BIG outting which was good.
Market CityI met
Anita and
Helen at market city, then we went to meet
Fiona at Events but we bumped into her on the way at George st, she was with her bf
Harry and i think the guys name was
Star BarWe headed to star bar for dinner, and decided to connect all these table together so we could all fit, bumped into Alex which was random and he was kinda different looking maybe cause no braces. Then slowly people started to come
Jon came first, then
Alicea, Sarita, Anusha, Qaanita came and then they decided to eat and drink then
Brendan came and we needed more room. Then
Dennis, Alice and Celia appeared it was like boom were here, no lol more like they call me first but all cools.
Jon bought me a drink woo for him such a nice guy. Later
Matt came, but he was outside with
Brendan drinking on the streets his way of doing pre-drinks lol looks like dirt to me apparently it was orange juice vodka and coke all mixed together.
CEO Karaoke
People decided they wanted a change of scenery so went to find a place with karaoke, couldnt find one but smart me had a card to i called up CEO to see if there was any places and bingo got one for sat night. So there was heaps more drinking and singing for the hour.
Matt was on the way to tipsy-ness and he lifted me up and i was screaming since i was prob like 200 cm tall since his prob like 190 or taller, well he was taller than
Jon. After Karaoke it was time for us to split up going home group or clubbing group.
Brendan and
Matt didnt want me to leave so it was hard to escape but i finally made it.
Train ride home
Worst train ride home ever.
Alicea, Anusha, Celia, Sarita, Qaanita and i got on the train and then we decided to change carriages cause of a few drunken men, worst idea ever cause the carriage we ended up being on had even worst drunk guys who were smoking drinking and being drunk. They ended up pulling something out of the train connection carriages and it broke the train down making us wait at Green Square for a good old 30 min or more, and we were like running round up and down from the carriages to get away from them, didnt exactly work but least we ended up were there was a pack of people so we felt safe.