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me me me!

Name's Terri. Your everyday average girl but just slightly louder

doof doof!

Chit chat here!



Designer&layout: teekay

Saturday, November 28, 2009
8:24 PM

Today was Ryan Lings Birthday he is no longer a teenager no more his is officially an ADULT poor guy hahaha.
He received the best present ever MID SEM EXAMS at 9am this morning haha.

well after the exams we went all the way to Itchiban and had ramen, then we went into a empty food court and had Ryans lovely birthday cake haha (the photo) lol while having the cake Anthony and i were texting each other and we kept cracking up and everyones likes WTF and were like nothing and we were bitching about D***** H* lol incase someone from uni reads this. ok well more like i was dissing and he was responding and yeah was funny .

Then we all went to Dixons and Played a Game of pool.

plus i also learnt from the guys each person holds the end of a wooden chop stick and you break it and the one with the bigger side is how much they want the other person. =_= mine was massive with Anthony and with Howard it was me again so i gave up LMAO

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
12:34 AM


dw peoples im still obsessing about donghae, but since i've been watching Charmed again Chris (drew) is so super cute/hot/adorable but shame his like 10 years older then me. I guess he can be a great role model.

Okay so heres my day finally lmao
i woke up at 2amish to read tashas text going to go over at 10.30 am i was late due to watching sexy drew on charmed his character is called chris and his from the future. so i ended up at tasha place at 11am and she taught me how Loops and While Loops work for Java she made me write up some codes so i would understand it, Tasha is so much better then my normal tut & lecture teachers XD

this is a Loop code
//prints out multiples of three next to each other (doesnt take a new line)

public class three

public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println ("three times");
for (int i = 1; i < 30+1; i++)
int y= 3*i;
System.out.print (y + ", " );

and this is a While Loop

//prints out your two times tables using a while loop

public class times2 {

public static void main(String[] args)

int i=0;
while ( i < 11)

int y = 2* i;
System.out.println ("2*" +i + "=" +y);


Notes*** it is meant to be more neater then this blogspot stuffed it hahaha

okay continuing the day Sarita came over as well and bought some KFC with her and that was our lunch, then we started to talk and catch up, sadly i had to leave early because i had class at 3.30pm, i rushed home for an umbrella cause it was going to pour. then was at narwee station and arrived at City at 3pm and met up with Tiffy for her to walk me to class, also saw Karina, Anita, Fiona as well but left them at MC since they were waiting for Helen. in Stat101 tut and was doing my work happily when JP is like go check if its right i go check with the tut and his like yes it is *hits me with a book on my head* i think cause i was cheering at myself hahaha.

Met up with Anita,Fiona,Karina and Helen at star bar played a game of pool i was winning until i hit the black ball in. then home time. on the train bumped into Elizabeth Mofu and talked the whole train ride back home.

Went home watched more of Charmed for Sexy Drew hahaha, when i should be studying but i guess one day doesnt hurt lol

&& thats my day =D


Saturday, November 21, 2009
8:53 PM


Today's outing isn't like every other outing, considering it was with a different bunch of people and everything we did was pretty random and spontaneous.

Okay so the day started off with me at padstow station, after leaving dads place he was still in bed so i didn't want to bother him to drive me to the station, so i walked called up Cathy, and then she jumped on the train at kingsgrove, man that girl can talk without breathing so hard to keep up. Daniel called me while i was at central and he was early again lol, i find that a good thing cause it better then being late. Met/Saw Tiffy at the bottom of the steps at Townhall and then we headed to the Townhall steps, Wilson turned up surprisingly on time and awake lol with nothing to complain about, so we were just waiting for Jon who was still at home, so we decided to go to JBHIFI for an hour to blow off time until Jon arrived. Jon then soon arrived and we were hungry so we made our way all the way to central again and then to capitol where we had Korean for lunch wasted an hour or two, lunch was good i think. Then we headed to K^2 (lol k square) and did an hour of K just for the air con. Made our way to market city for Galaxy world for some games, on the way i dropped down at the converse store in market city to check if James was working and he was =D happy happy lol so we had a chat for a few min then i left cause Cathy and tiff was still waiting for me outside so yeah. went to find the guys racing each other.

Later we said our good byes to Cathy cause she likes to get home before 5pm >.> soo early still a baby. made our way down to Maccas at Darling Harbour for some ice cream. walked all the way to harbour side and played 2 games of bowling $24 so $12 a game, saved $6 for 1 game which is $18 so expensive these days, i was beginning to lose cause most of my balls became gutters so i went to get the sides up and then Jon lost the second game since only Tiff and I had the sides up, Daniel didn't want to play so yeah he watched. After that Tiff and I watched the guys play pool, it was Motta & Jon on one team and Wilson on the other and Wilson won all by himself. Dropped Tiffany off to her dad and her bro at Maccas at the entertainment centre. Then me and the boys left. Motta decided he wants dinner and wants Japanese so we went back to capitol and ate at a Japanese restaurant where i got a text from Celia "Lol i see you. Dinner with three guys?" and i was like WTF so we all looked around saw nothing, then i called her and there she was upstairs staring down at us. LOL then we finished our meals, i said goodbye to the guys since they wanted to go chatswood and do guy stuff =( meaning home early sucks 8pm on an outting day with those guys i haven't seen in weeks is too early but oh wells there was nothing else to do anyways done everything during the day BTW the sun was still up so yes very awkward to me XD. Celia bumped into me and walked me to central station =D so nice of her and i went on the train home back to dads rang the door bell twice and nothing, then called the house to get the door open . and now typing this blog and very tired must sleep early today lol.

People Attended (blue) : Tiffany, Wilson, Jon, Daniel/Motta, Cathy
People Seen( Red & Green ) : James & Celia


note to self must call daniel, motta now cause the name daniel reminds me of daniel ho and he annoys me daniel ho KEEP YOUR THOUGHT TO YOURSELF AND STOP BRAGGING ON ABOUT YOUR SELF lol

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Monday, November 16, 2009
9:56 PM


My Cousins are like my best friends to me, they entertain me and take my mind off depressing things, such as Angus & Vanessa they are like my brother and sister since we've known each other since we were babies. We have basically lived together, had sleepovers together, travel together domestic and International.

Yesterday was Angus's 18th Birthday and Van and Liv decided to bake a cake after we came back from the temple. So they went shopping for ingredients while Angus mowed the lawn with the big car thingy and i had a discussion with his mum lol. while they were baking the cake Angus and I would keep dissing it like wtf its burning and whats with that asshole of a crack in the middle, Uncle Lindsay (their dad) kept walking in going mmmm it smelt nice lol. Angus and i ended up playing pool, i won most games but stupidly lost because the white ball went it straight after the black LMAO. Then we played Basketball and i gave up cause he was too pro. We had a chat about the olden times " remember when we use to.... " the good old days when u didnt need to worry about school/homework/friendship/boys lol

then we had KFC for dinner and i watched them play maple story (lame game i think) and then played ping pong lol so much energy just for picking up the ball, need fresh air and wind so we went outside for abit. Then it was time for cake lol we were all like mmmm nice first bite then more and more offttt too much chocolate LMAO.

Lots & Lots of LOVE <3