more like drinking night
im like so tired so quick summery then im off, more info go tiffys blog XD
met up at bottleshop at 5 bought lots of alki, then off to alices
drank on an empty stomach not good there and yeah drank more and more had pizza inbetween
then felt sick so stopped drinking and had green tea, anita was totally drunk and was off her face dunno how much she drank but yer, she started vomitting while sleeping so had people helping her there and some of us went up stairs
ryan made us ( alex and i, tiffy said no )have more shots of midori and vodka so we finished the bottle there that made me more sober strange. ryan got drunk and started to break down crying (poor thing)
anita was still unwell and sick down stairs and alices mum came back and helped as well.
tiffy had left and then it was 1am and anita somewhat had fallen asleep and kept getting up brendan, helen and i walked all the way down to 7/11 and bought 2 bottle of flavored water and walked back to alices place, and stayed up till 3am when ryan helen and i decided to go upstairs and slept for 3 hours and then woke up and left alices place at 9.30ish and now its 1pm and i am typing this blog.
this doesnt seem like a summery but it is there was heaps more of the night but too much to type about and can not be bothered. so read my so called summery XD
peace guys
p.s sorry if there are error or doesnt make sense not proof reading and very sleepy now heavy eyes. ttyl nap nap time again for me
arrggghhhh gonna die for uni 2morrow =(