so yesterday i went to the movies with ryan, anita, alice, jon and myself and then we went in and saw Teri Hatcher from desperate house wives :D she was walking the red carpets lmao that was like the 2nd celeb i saw this year the first was when i was in hospital... oh wait no the 3rd one i saw this year cause saw the host of good news week at townhall a few weeks ago. lamo and so we watch "I LOVE YOU MAN" good movie you guys should check it out but theres alot of swearing.
today i saw shae from sat disney the host on channel 7 every sat morning, they were filing the little kids skate on the ice. went ice skating with alice, ferdio, tanya, charlene, zackri, anthony, qlaris, danny, daniel ho and then motta came later on and then we spent the day skating and then had lunch at a Korean restaurant, then we decided to go to the city and went to internet cafe to enrol and then we went to play pool the other guys left so motta, alice and i went for a stroll in darling harbour then maccas then home time.