There has been the good and bad of April so far, well prob mainly bad cause i cant really think of anything good lmao.
when did April start i forgot much of been ages ago OMG i need to think of what to get my sister her birthdays coming up and as a good sister must get her something she likes, stupid minor she still young no drinking for her :( oh wells i doubt she would be a drinker she a boring person anywayz (must be a goody 2 shoes)
well on the 1st of April we were meant to go do celias thing but it was raining so we went to hurstville and i got new shoes and also new jacket lol love my jacket i better love it, it costed me $$$ lmao. Thursday uni, then friday was kaisee big day but i didnt have time to go home and change so i had to go to my lecture all dressed up and it was so weird dressing up for a freaken boring lecture and then going to the library to study, well not exactly study but group study which we did do alot of work let me add. Then met up with Ryan and took him to Alices place waited for Helen and then we got a lift from my dad to kaisee birthday party lol it was fun the hall was big the food was ok yummy i like the ..... spinach stuff lol lots of new people i never seen before and lot of dancing and talking what a long night.
Then sunday rocked up and it was my big day of being on t.v lol celia said we did a group job at acting but i got injured on set lmao, by anita when we were doing the fighting over slide scene, and i got bashed alot from jacque when we were tackling when playin footy, we ended up playing a game of footy as always the boys won. we also went to the pub to eat, didnt drink beside jacque and the food was acturally nice, and cheap next time we are going there again hahahahahahahaha

as in this month i have been pissed alot for the same reasons hopefully i'll get over it soon, felt so bad for Ravik he suffered the worst since i took it out on him and now most people in my lecture prob thinks i'm pissed at him but oh wells we will see next time after my 1 week break.
yayayayayay easter holidays woo been waiting for so long, gonna see alicea 2morrow after library going to see a movie with her and then friday movies with other gonna watch 17 again who wants to join hahaha.
i finished my website yay me and now another 2 assignments to do.