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me me me!

Name's Terri. Your everyday average girl but just slightly louder

doof doof!

Chit chat here!



Designer&layout: teekay

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
10:01 PM

Another year older

so like the other day was Helen and Ryan birthday parties lol and it was heaps of fun lmao.

But first of all it was Wilson birthday, we went to look for him at tafe and only Daniel and i ended up seeing him and his shaved head lmao.

Saturday rocked up and i went over to Alice's house at 9am and got ready there since i didn't wanna walk to her place, lol Anita complains cause i took like hours in the bathroom getting ready hahaha and i complained cause it literally took hours for her to do her hair so i took lots and lots of photos.

then we walked down to the bottle shop at narwee and bought lots of alcohol and Celia was carrying it lmao, took the train to townhall and met up with Helen there then Jon cam and then Daniel came last of all ryan came, Jon and Daniel left, then Tari came and we were at Kino and i bumped into Daniel Ho he was buying manga like lol i never knew he likes that stuff Anita and i went into the kiddy section and like read baby books lol this baby came up to me holding a book telling me to read to her and anita and i just LOLed hahahah felt so bad.

we then went to the hotel to check in and we were so amazed at random stuff and then Celia and tari left, then we headed down to CEO and did K went back to hotel and then Carmen and Brendan turned up and then we talked talked talked did jons hair then we went down to pizza hut and had dinner Daniel turned up for a few secs and left then he called Carmen and wanted to meet up with her and so on our way back to hotel Carmen and Alice went to see Daniel as the rest of us went to the hotel to drink heaps hahaha and did a few min of earth hour hahahaha.

i went back to my room thought i was weak cause i couldnt open the door but no it was the guys they locked it from the inside and didnt know so we had to get the hotel person to open it, then went down to darling to meet Carmen and Alice also Daniel, they went clubbing beside Daniel, Alice and I who went to the hotel after priceline for toothpaste. Went back to hotel played truths and then watched t.v. Daniel and i decided to push Helen and Anita's bed together lmao and mess it up to make it look like we did shit in it lmao but we were half way done and heard them coming in so we quickly jumped into bed hahaha. Then we had pink and Anita and Helen got drunk Alice was being a mum and we put them to bed.

we all ended up going to bed and then at 4ish Daniel and I went into Anita's room to see how there were ad then we woke them up talked abit then i went to bed at 5ish, Anita and Helen rocked up in our room at 7.30ish watched t.v packed up the room and headed to check out and then to MACCAS breakfast yay. then Daniel left to go home and the rest of us went to darling i slept there for like 30 min while Ryan and Anita had there grass fights hahaha. then we all decided to go home.

& now i am here typing up this long blog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
10:16 PM


ME, MYSELF, & I oops lets not forget RYAN M too on this special day where he came out of his little mummy's bottom. A MIRACLE it was a boy


i doubt you will read this anywayz u lazy cunt (jks jks ily)
anywayz to finish off what i'm meant to be blogging about is we bought helens gift today lmao and also we went window shopping while me being sick inside to death still was able to survive lmao

and these are the shoes we tried on lol can u guess whos feet is whos guess not lmao left me, right anita.

now i should get back to serious business like H/W lol

Sunday, March 22, 2009
6:04 PM

Eventful Weekend.

i'm gonna blog about my weekend if you couldnt tell already.

i woke up had chocolate went back to sleep woke up went to the city with dad, took the merc out for the drive to the city, stood in front of market city saw carmen and brendan went up with them to see alice, fiona, and jon went to gloria jeans then food court said my byes went to yum cha where dad was then went to this little shop for livi to buy her presents. went back into car to rose bay to swap car back to the toyota then fell asleep again, came home slept woke up msn then dinner shower skype, sleep.

woke up, had some grapes went back to sleep then woke up for soup and egg and mayo sandwich then chocolate, biscuits and then msn trying to figure out how to find those articles couldnt then find them. then went to sleep got up had dinner and now is blogging and watching simpsons.
isnt the dress pretty on the left XD

Thursday, March 19, 2009
7:36 PM


LOL i had my math test today woooo hopefully i pass hopefully i get marks for everything cause i really dont want to do it again since it made me depressed all week :( or more

anywayz mum came back from macau and she bought back a lot of stuff like i got 2 boots and gucci watches and also Ck underwear and the top in the pic lmao more stuff too but eh too much to name the jeans she bought didnt fit me but >.> like i care anywayz too much patterns for me
hmmm she bought a lot of hand bags back but ehhh to old looking for me hehehe

my wishlist so far is
- Billabong jacket
- Bag from city beach (back pack)
- Jeans
-money money money
- LOL what else

anywayz my up comming task
- Assignment journal due to uni 101
- Group presentation 30 min speech due uni 101
- sustainability report due ACAD
- another ACAD assignment
- Website Due in info 107

well thats it i gotta say for this post so

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
6:10 PM

Fallin Apart

i forgot the last time i blogged but yer whatever today i handed in my business proposal and now i got to make a website out of it with Komposer like ahhhh i hate that program.

today i got kinda annoyed with nick mac this mac that like fucken hell i dont care bout mac i like my windows perfectly fine, his motto "once u've experienced apple ur never turning back " like ahhhh

got another 2 group assignments one to make a website for the business paied up with tanya, 2 speech 30 min paired up with Nick (nooo i was hoping not) christen, tanya, aziz, and me we were drawn out of a hat >.>

hmm christen and i told nick that christen had a baby he full on believed and asked questions why and shit then he told him its bull and his like felt so cut for guy on well, not like i care

hmm yesterday visited tiffy she came to the gym cause we couldnt leave ravik's bag alone then christen came and we talked bout hot guys hahahaha

went home with celia and ravik yesterday today took the train there and back alone :(

hmmm feelin emo, its kinda hit me that i'm starting to miss people these days

Friday, March 13, 2009
5:32 PM

Empty Brain

for the past few days my brain has not been functioning properly and its really pissing me off cause I'm not learning properly.

anyways last night Anita,Alice,Celia,Ryan and i attended the JMC thingy ma bob it was fun, the live gigs were good too some of it lol allot of people drinking Ryan and Anita wanted to start dancing but they didn't want to start it since no one else did. Told Celia to go mingle with some of her class mates and she did, with ONE only and no surprise he loves anime lol. had a really long day which started at 9am till 6pm of classes then till 10pm of fun lmao.

today Tiffy came city and i met her at tafe with Wilson and we caught up abit think it was kinda awkward cause ravik and Joseph was there but, i don't care i got hugs from Wilson and Tiffy so I'm happy hahaha and yer falling asleep all day, had like V and a latte and it is not helping wahhh
what else to say lmao nothing...
this blog doesn't make sense but whatever, LAZY MUCH

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
8:48 PM


Sexy Sexy Sexy Nitty Poo
this blog is just about anita vidak
blah blah blah blah blah
you know it hahaha


Monday, March 9, 2009
11:51 PM

I myself just turned in my first assignment to turnitin.com and i got 9% plagiarism like wtf lol must be all the dictionary meanings, cant blame me when they ask for a vocab list.

i realized that people read my blogs hahaha like i never knew, i thought only tiffy and maybe ryan and anita when shes bothered and celia if shes has nothing better to do.

hmmm my day the usual lecture canceled went to library borrow some books then went to visit tiffy at tafe saw loaf of bread hahaha i never thought i would see her again but it was nice, i got red shorts took so many sizes in size 10 was loose so i had to get an size 8 like wtf i think cotton stuffed up there pants sizes

xoxo the chick with the gossip ahaha also bitch

Saturday, March 7, 2009
6:29 PM

Posting Away

i am not bored, i am just distracting myself from doing homework and studying because i can not be bothered right now so i guess i shall update you of what i did yesterday.

it started of with me waking up bright and early so i decided to take a morning shower hmmm i wonder was that yesterday i pretty sure it was. skype for 10min with Anita and Alice and then headed my way down to the train station to catch my train to the city got there at 10.30 sat with Tanya and met a new girl called Charlene or what ever. then Christen and i went in the room early to steal yum and his friends front row seats for the math lecture that helped allot more then sitting at the back cause you could actually hear this guy talk. but i still scared about the test cause i am still confused in allot of stuff but not as much as i use to. After the math lecture saw Daniel for like 1 sec (literally 1 sec) what a great catch up aye we didn't even talk bout anything then i left him with Susan and James and i went to uts and went off to find ravik and nick and then we went to the gym and i was like OMG wtf is all this weight lifting... then nick left and ravik and i met up with catherine, he left to his next class had lunch with Catherine then went to meet up with mike and simon at the labs and went on facebook and printing solutions out. then i left catherine there and mike, simon and i went to the library to study maths bloody hell i had to explain it to the guy 10 times and he still didnt get how to do the bloody question which was leading me to confusion, what confused me more was they were spotting honeys (like wtf is honeys) hey explained to me they check out chicks when they are in the library and they use the whole clock system like "honey alert at 12 o'clock" there was this one chick that they were too scared to ask for a photo with so they made me go, they thought i wouldnt go up to a chick and ask guess what i did it i started a full on convo with her and shit and they were thinking wtf am i doing. i got her name too lol and she also agreed to take a photo hahaha her name was hmmm um um um.... shit it rhymes with my name but i forgot oh wait kerry there we go. Then mike's friend came named ben i think and yer they kept spotting guys, i left to meet up with wilson at 4.30 and we sat and talked, catch up until 6pm and i went home and etc.

all day i've been watching veronica mars season 3 .... btw my math test is move to a week ahead.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
8:09 PM

Time is Money

As 2 people have complained that i haven't posted for so long and it has been exactly week i think, so i might as well post a blog now, for the past week same old same old uni, h/w not understanding math going around in circles and annoying me cause i don't understand it.

Today was a different type of day i woke up went for my driving lesson and then walked to roseland's to meet up with Alice and Anita ate some lunch served by Helen at KFC, then we caught up having a conversation since we haven't seen each other for along time (Anita was sick) then we went to look for a bag and found one then we went to jay jays and i got a jumper which say Grrrrr which a purple monster on it hahaha size was XS like wtf right. then we went into Myers and my new aim is not an external hard drive no more its Britney spears perfume fantasy hidden smells yummy hahaha bottle is like the purple one but red hahaha.Then it was Helen's lunch break spent it with her and then we walked home wow at my exciting day :D, came home took my granny nap like always then skyped for a bit then did some math and btw i am still doing it, watched neighbours hahaha wooo some t.v time. Around 7pm Natasha came over and we talked a bit then we decided we will catch up again later cause it was getting dark and she hasn't had dinner since she just came back from uni.

this is the end of my blog, might not be updating as much because
10/3 Journal part one due
12/3 ACAD exam
17/3 Business proposal due
26/3 Math Test

:( so much to be done so little time